Womens Haircut and Stlye
$25.00 deposit required
$25.00 deposit required
$50.00 deposit required
If it is your first time booking with me this is the choice for you. I will have a consultation, customized curly cut, detox and treatment. Product knowledge and how to style it. **Pls come with your hair clean and little to no product with it down.
$50.00 deposit required
This service will include full consultation customized curly cut, and diffused and styled. (No treatment)
$10.00 deposit required
This is service is for kids the age of 10 and under
$20.00 deposit required
$20.00 deposit required
$40.00 deposit required
$50.00 deposit required
$20.00 deposit required
Is your hair is looking dull come in for fresh toner
$50.00 deposit required
$50.00 deposit required
If you are wanting a balayage or full head of highlights this is the option for you
This service is for quick touch up on highlights in the top crown area
This service we discuss possible extension applications and choose what color is best
$100.00 deposit required
This service is when we finally get to install your extensions. When your life will be completely changed!
$50.00 deposit required
$50.00 deposit required
$150.00 deposit required
A keratin service to smooth hair and reduce styling time
$20.00 deposit required
This haircut service is for someone who only wants a cut no wash, and no style
$20.00 deposit required
With this treatment you will get a scalp massage,while detoxing your hair revealing a healthy shine to your hair, hairstyle included
Eyebrows, upper lip
This service is for a wash and style of your choice including a full blowout
$20.00 deposit required
This service is for my curly babes that want a blowout for a special event of just to have their hair smoothed out. Process does include hot tools